Learn English by Listening to Short Stories
If you are trying to learn English in the traditional way, you probably get bored and start to think about English is boring. Because textbooks are boring and we don’t like to memorize the grammar rules, fill in the blank tests, and have unnatural conversations that you can not see in real-life ever. So we always recommend you to learn English in a natural way as it should be. Listen to easy English conversations and repeat it as much as possible. You can listen to short stories for learning English because they would be perfect.
Short stories are great for learning English. Especially mini-stories with listening and answer method will help you to improve English skills fast. The traditional methods such as “repeat after me” are useless. Because you repeat the sentences like a parrot as they are. But listen and answer method is different. It trains your brain to use the sentences properly and automatically.
In this point, repetition is very important. You should listen to the stories repeatedly and try to answer all questions out loud. These are very easy questions and they help you to master vocabulary and sentences so that you will use them automatically. Now watch our short story lesson video below and you will find the practice section after the story.
English short stories download Mp3 audio
By the way, you can download the audio mp3 lessons of the story on our home page (English Easy Practice) and put them into your mobile phone. So you can practice English listening and speaking whenever and where ever you want. You should listen to the audio story lessons every day for one week. Try to answer the question faster each time you listen.
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Download The English Easy Practice Full Course
You don’t need to wait for cargo. Our lessons are downloadable. After you download the course, you can easily put all of your lessons on your phone or mp3 player and take them wherever you go. To the gym, on your morning run, in the bus, in the car, anywhere.
Why are stories powerful? Stories are ancient. (Ancient means very very old) for thousands of years, humans learned through stories. Before writing, people learned history, science, and religion with stories. (also see: Storytelling to learn English)
Reason number 1: stories are very easy to remember. Stories give context to information. Context means a natural situation a connection. In other words, the information in a story is connected. For example, new vocabulary is connected to the characters, the action, the images in the story. You don’t learn the new word alone. You learn the new English word connected to the story. When you think of the new word you can imagine the part of the story it is connected to. So you remember new English vocabulary much faster when you learn it from a story. The same is true with English grammar and pronunciation.
Reason 2: Stories are naturally emotional. Even a simple story has some emotion. Stories can be funny, scary, surprising, frustrating, happy. And when we connect emotion to information, we learn English it faster and we remember it longer.
Reason 3: Stories are more interesting and enjoyable. Because stories have emotion, characters, conflict (that mean fighting or struggle or difficulty) they are naturally interesting to us. Obviously, it is much more fun to listen a story than to study a textbook. Because it’s more fun you want to do it more often and for a longer time. With stories you listen longer and more often, learn faster, remember longer and enjoy it more. That’s why listening to stories is the best way to learn English.
What You Get Today When You Buy Now
- 20 Story Lessons For Listening and Speaking
- 20 Slow Versions of the story lessons
- 20 Pdf script text of the lessons (over 140 pages total)
- + Bonus Lessons For Listening & Speaking Practice
Get the course from this page: https://englisheasypractice.com
Audio Short Stories Are Perfect for the ESL Classroom
While audio short stories are an awesome way for students to practice listening at home, they’re also the perfect tool for any ESL classroom. Here’s why:
- They provide a natural voice, complete with natural intonation and expression.
- There are stories to be found that are appropriate for all learners.
- Most audio short stories are under fifteen minutes long and therefore can easily be incorporated into any lesson plan.
- The grammar, vocabulary, or content of the story can be gleaned and a lesson subsequently created around it.
- They can be used as a starter to lead into the topic of the lesson, or at the end as a wind-down or reward.
Use Short Stories for ESL Audio?
In using short stories, students will gain much-needed exposure to English conversation, boosting their confidence when it comes to putting language knowledge into practice.
A gripping topic or juicy storyline will ensure students’ investment in a listening exercise. If they want to know whether Manny gets back from the moon or if Jane and Larry will get together again after their disastrous first date, then they’ll have to concentrate! So choose something relevant and fun, and even those adolescent learners will be begging to hear how the story turns out.
Unlike movies and TV, audio short stories don’t give students the luxury of being able to infer meaning from visual action, gestures or lip movements. And unlike listening dialogues, audio short stories have a proper plot, providing invaluable practice in understanding a situation and events, all based solely on aural comprehension.
The subject matter of an audio short story can be tailored to suit the interests of your students and can be used to promote and spark discussion of a particular topic.
Students play apps, read magazines, listen to songs, go on social networking sites and use interactive websites to practice English in their spare time. So why shouldn’t they listen to short stories too? By using audio short stories in class, you’ll show your students that they’re relevant and engaging, and can have your students listening away in no time.
There are countless stories available to download from the internet, suited to all ages, levels, personalities, and interests. Students can access them on their own as a brilliant way of practicing listening skills outside of the classroom. Listening to an audio short story is perfect for those busy students on the go, who can simply listen while out and about. That’s right, their listening practice potential need to know no limits!
Get the course from this page: https://englisheasypractice.com
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